Dr. Nashat Latib

Dr. Nashat Latib


Pharmaceutical-Grade Supplements

High-quality supplements are an important element in functional medicine, but it’s important to be aware that not all supplements are created equally. Warnings about hidden dangers of some online or grocery store supplements have been identified by the FDA. Explore expert insights from Dr. Nashat Latib on selecting safe and effective supplements for your holistic wellness plan.

AMH and FSH Levels Fertility


AMH & FSH Levels in Natural Conception

Curious about the connection between AMH and FSH levels and fertility? Dive into this comprehensive article by Dr. Nashat Latib of Reimagined Health, where you’ll find expert insights on enhancing reproductive health through Functional Medicine’s natural techniques.

Detox balance estrogen


Estrogen Imbalance and Fertility

Learn how to naturally balance and detox estrogen levels to enhance your fertility journey. This article delves into lifestyle changes, diet, stress management, and more to help you regain hormonal harmony for better reproductive health.

Detox balance estrogen

Estrogen Imbalance and Fertility

PCOS Awareness Month September


PCOS and Functional Medicine

In light of PCOS Awareness Month, read about the hidden emotional hurdles of PCOS and how functional medicine can offer personalized strategies to empower women with strength, resilience, and hope on their journey to manage symptoms and achieve natural pregnancy.In light of PCOS Awareness Month, read about the hidden emotional hurdles of PCOS and how functional medicine can offer personalized strategies to empower women with strength, resilience, and hope on their journey to manage symptoms and achieve natural pregnancy.

PCOS Awareness Month September

PCOS and Functional Medicine

Increase male fertility


Let’s Talk Male Fertility

Male infertility is not often discussed, but is an important topic to understand in order to optimize a couple’s reproductive health. This article describes male infertility and how lifestyle choices, environmental hazards, stress management, and more can be a detriment or can enhance fertility potential.

Ovulation pregnancy methods


How to Track Ovulation and Boost Fertility

Increase your chances of conceiving with this latest article on methods to track ovulation and create a healthy lifestyle. Learn about different methods to track ovulation and discover tips for promoting fertility. Empower yourself on your journey to motherhood.

Environmental toxins and fertility


Environmental Factors affecting fertility

There are clearly identified environmental factors that can negatively affect fertility. In this article, learn about air pollution, chemical exposures, electromagnetic radiation, and lifestyle choices that can have deleterious effects on reproductive health. We provide proactive steps to increase your chances of conception and create a fertility-friendly environment.

Conception pregnancy time


Balancing Patience & Action the Optimal Timeframe for Fertility Treatments

Are you wondering how long to try conceiving naturally before considering fertility treatments? I’m here to share my expert advice on the general timeframes and explore natural ways to optimize fertility. Learn about healthy lifestyle choices, risk factors, and when it may be time to seek professional assistance. Find the right balance for your unique journey towards parenthood in this comprehensive article.

IVF and IUI live birth rates


Demystifying IVF and IUI Fertility Treatments

Ever been fully informed of the success rates and average cycles for IVF and IUI? This blog delves into the facts about how your age, health, and fertility impact success rates of medical interventions to achieve pregnancy. We’ll also explore natural methods to enhance fertility and optimize your chances of a successful pregnancy, with or without medical intervention.